Product List

C/Z Purlin Interchangeable Roll Former

C/Z Purlin Interchangeable Roll Former

  • An electronic marketplace for buyers, sellers, lessees and lessors of freight cars in the US.
  • In operation since 1995 and is located on the CSXT in Sarnia. They have three interchanges, two with CN and one with CP.
  • Runs five miles from Wootton, through Havenstreet and Ashey, to Smallbrook Junction - the interchange with Island Line running from Shanklin to Ryde. Includes profile, timetables, fares, events,information on locomotives, rolling stock, civil engineering, and membership, map and directions.
  • Covers Michigan and North Carolina.
  • A 4-level stack with one loop. Requires a VRML plugin to view.
  • Manufacturers of steel zed purlins ,eaves beams and cee section purlins for all kinds of steel buildings.
  • Aerial photos of and commentary on various interchanges which the author finds unusual or substandard.
  • Diagrams and commentary of various ones in the East-Central U.S.
  • Specializes in organization development processes and synergistic teams, using principles and practices of creative interchange process. Offices in Illinois, USA.
  • A DARPA project. KIF is a language designed for use in the interchange of knowledge among disparate computer systems.
  • Collection of resources related to the Knowledge Interchange Format. Specifications, manual, and other resources.
  • Describes how this unusual intersection feature works, including history.
  • Large archive of maps and descriptions of unusual or complicated facilities, primarily in the United States.
  • Includes aerial photographs and descriptions of unusual or complicated facilities in the United States.
  • Observations, with photographs, of the Magic Roundabout in Swindon, England.
  • Information including a list of all in the United States and Canada.
  • Shows different facilities, with a focus on Alaska. Also discusses technical aspects.
  • Focuses on roundabout planning, design, and construction. Project list and news.
  • Gives descriptions and comparisons to traffic circles. Includes a photo gallery of selected examples.
  • C/Z Purlin Interchangeable Roll Forming System

    Roll Shutter Slats Forming Machine

    C/Z Purlin Interchangeable Roll Forming Machine

    C/Z purlin interchangeable Roll Forming Machine adopting integrated adjustment with unique design can provide quick, infinite size change and C rapid shape roller to Z shape roller change, which simplifies the process of it.

    C/Z Purlin Interchangeable Roll Former